The Taizé Community
A new recording, from Deutsche Grammophon, made at Taizé and featuring the voices of the brothers, with guest artists and young pilgrims. The chants range from the very familiar to the most recent, and include elements of the Community’s own Liturgy of the Hours. All are sung and played impeccably, and even the best known such as Bless the Lord, my soul sound fresh and new. The varied instrumental obbligatos reveal new levels of beauty every time, and every piece is an object lesson, from the Community itself, in how Taizé music is to be sung and played. Six languages are represented in this truly international collection.
Contents: The bells of Taizé | Veni, Sancte Spiritus* | Introduction: Seigneur, ouvre mes lèvres | Bless the Lord* | Laudate Dominum* | Response: Le verbe s’est fait chair | Beati voi poveri* | Jubilate, coeli* | Psalm 63| Bleibet hier (Stay with me)* | In manus tuas, Pater* | Surrexit Christus* | Gospodi pomiluj C* | Aber du weisst den Weg für mich* | Cantique de Siméon | Jésus le Christ* | De noche iremos* | Ubi caritas et amor* | Let all who are thirsty come*
Music of Unity and Peace CD £13.99 (inc. VAT)