John Ainslie
‘Chant’ is not something dead, from the remote past, or old-fashioned. It is a way of singing the texts which follows nothing but the rhythm of the words and thus of their meaning. Chant is not tied to a particular time in history or even to a narrow way of seeing the liturgy.
John Ainslie’s mass is chant written directly for the English text, not adapted from a Latin setting. Its flowing lines are easily learned by any congregation. The Gloria may be sung in antiphonal form, i.e. between cantor/choir and assembly. The composer recommends unaccompanied singing but there is an accompaniment version too. An Alleluia, a Lenten Gospel Acclamation and the Rimsky Korsakov Our Father are included.
0302 A Chant Mass accompaniment edition printed version £3.00
0302 A Chant Mass accompaniment edition downloadable pdf £3.00
0302voc A Chant Mass vocal edition printed version £1.75
0302voc A Chant Mass vocal edition downloadable pdf £1.75
0302a A Chant Mass pew edition printed version £0.40