About the Laudate Supplement
The Supplement contains all the pieces and new mass settings which have been changed in Laudate. These changes have been incorporated into reprints of the full hymnbook. However, for parishes who already have and wish to keep their original copies of our Laudate hymnbook, the supplement is designed to go with them.
This has been reprinted again. Since it first appeared in August 2011 the complete revised hymnbook has appeared, with further modifications – certain hymns had to have verbal changes in order to obtain the Nihil Obstat (85, 148, 475, 643, 957), and three have been removed (470, 649 and 650). Their replacements are in this edition of the Supplement. By popular request Be still, my soul has been included (780), the Berthier Gloria (now no. 999) has been revised to include the new ICELtext, and experience of the popularity of the new Mass settings has prompted the inclusion of two additional ones, besides (for the first time in an English hymnal) a Welsh language setting. These do not appear in this Supplement but are available separately.
A supplement containing the Order of Mass, the Eucharistic sections revised in accordance with the 2010 English translation of the Roman Missal, and some replacement hymns.
All of the new hymns and mass settings have been incorporated into our revised editions of Laudate. However, for parishes who own and wish to keep their original editions of Laudate, the supplement is designed to go with them. It could also be used with other hymnbooks besides Laudate, as a stand-alone supplement to your existing parish book.
The Order of Mass with chants
A Parish Mass (Jones)
The Mass of Creation (Haugen)
Mass for Advent and Lent (Dean)
Penitential Acts and Kyries
The Gloria
Eucharistic Acclamations
Lamb of God
Replacement hymns
Apart from these settings, with some very minor exceptions.* this Supplement contains everything which has been changed in the fully revised book, and can be used alongside the previous edition of the full music to provide an accompaniment to the 2012 Pew edition.
* In full edition but not this volume: an extra verse in 326; Psalm verses to 395a; a second tune to 801. 475 has verse 4 removed. 636 has revised words.
Replacement items
The opportunity has been taken to replace almost twenty pieces. In all but one case these items have disappeared from the book. The decision in each case was to replace what was judged to be a lesser-used piece by a more useful one in the same category, to reflect what has appeared in the twelve years since Laudate was published.
Two sets of numbers?
Where the supplement is used alongside the main hymnal, numbers on hymnboards could have a letter ‘S’ added to avoid confusion.